Housing puff

Housing puff

Puhallus You do a bit of fraud and pay fines rather than comply with the law. The real estate agent, if he’s fair, can casually reveal that you build first, the neighbor files a complaint, you pay a few hundred in fines and that’s it. If you are conscientious and apply for a permit first,…

Pay part in cash

Pay part in cash

Maksa osa käteisenä For many years, I have been listening to the experiences of Finns in the housing market. In problem situations, a wall rises against the Finn. There are many reasons for this situation, one of which is, of course, a poor command of the language, which is why an interpreter is needed. Everyone…

Check out the housing portals

Check out the housing portals

Tutustu asunto portaaleihin Different housing portals such as Idealista and Kyero provide a lot of information about the housing market. With different searches, you can search for different information about apartments or houses. I recommend going through them at the latest before making a purchase decision. I drew my own area on the Idealista search…

Feng Shui

Feng Shui

Feng means wind and Shui means water. Thus, the phenomenon does not have a fixed form but is in constant motion. In Feng Shui, it is believed that the location of a person’s dwelling house affects his happiness and success. ”Feng Shui creates a harmonious environment that seeks to safeguard human health, wealth, and fertility,”…

Apartment viewings

Apartment viewings

Asuntonäytöt There should be more apartments in good condition on the market, the price of around €200,000-300,000. Russians are looking for €500,000 apartments to get a golden visa to the country. The most searched-for apartments are €100,000-€250,000, so there aren’t many apartments available in the price range of €260,000-€360,000 that are in good condition. Because…

Yellow house

Yellow house

Keltainen talo Many dream of living abroad and experiencing a different lifestyle. Housing involves freedom; there is no need to adapt and accept everything. Do we live to enjoy? If not, what do we live for? Well, is it annoying? Well, is it a pity that you have lived abroad at some point in your…